Documentation from our archives is made available (in the field of the expression of cultural inheritance), in order to transmit and pass on this valuable knowledge. Folklore Canada International maintains strong ties with the Société du patrimoine d'expression du Québec (SPEQ) as well as a resource centre specialized in all aspects of folklore, heritage and traditions.
At last count the organization has catalouged and in its possession a large collection and data base of more than 500 books, over 200 traditional dolls in folk costumes, 250 video cassettes, 300 audio cassettes and compact disks and 200 of periodicals related to folklore. Much of this collection comes from the former office Montreal based Canadian Folk Art Council, while the other part of this data base was acquired by FCI, and the SPEQ, via the vast network of the CIOFF.
The center grows richer each year with documents, articles and files coming from the various activities of the company and with gifts of private individuals.
Many performance groups, artists and craftsmen forward to us their new works & documentation on a yearly basis (of the materials produced at the time of their venues: photographs, videos, documents, advertising, posters, compact disks, etc). These elements enrich our files. They leave a trace of their accomplishments for future generations. We invite all to send information to us on their endeavors, so that the vast diversity of expression of Canada and her multicultural mosaic, is always well represented.
The Research Center offers a variety of assistance to people who carry out any historical or various aspects of ethnographic fieldwork, offering well preserved documentation and research information.
Lise Sirianni et France Bourque-Moreau at the History National Salon held in 2001, in Trois-Rivières, Quebec.
We extend and invitation to all interested people to take on the task and assist us in the quest to keep culture flourishing in Canada. Experience what old world folk culture may hold in your heart. You can contribute to it by belonging to the team of volunteers at the Resource Centre. For further information, please communicate with the office of Canada Folklore.